We are proud to offer a sustainable wallpaper choice that is not only safe for the environment but for you as well! What do we mean by that? Well, did you know that we spend 85% to 90% of our time indoors and that the level of air pollutants is two to five times higher indoors than outdoors? This is worrisome as air pollutants have been known to cause a wide range of health concerns and illnesses including cancer, respiratory and heart disease, reproductive issues, headaches, lethargy, and dizziness.
What causes air pollution indoors? Many of the very products we use to build, furnish and clean our homes including air fresheners, household cleaners, carpets, paints, ventilation systems, and more. In particular, anything that is known to have VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) contributes to indoor air pollution including the following (and so many more):
- Antimicrobials: added to traditional wallcoverings (NOT Hello Sticky), paint, carpet, countertops, cutting boards, and mattresses to help stop bacteria growth.
- Biocides: added to paint, textiles, and hardwood flooring to limit the growth of living organisms.
- Formaldehyde: added to foam insulations, adhesives, furnishings, and textiles.
The worst part? It has been proven that we are exposed to the highest level of VOCs in the… errrr *safety*… of our own homes AND many VOCs contain Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals which, according to the Healthy Building Network, is associated with rising incidences of many health concerns in children including autism, childhood asthma, testicular cancer, preterm births, low eight birth, and pediatric brain cancer.
So, what is being done about it? Although over the past few decades a strong movement towards sustainable design practices has emerged with respect to being environmentally conscious – through the development of programs like the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification – no set program/certification exists to help regulate the indoor air pollutants we are all exposed to on the daily. Instead, it is important for us to educate ourselves on this topic and get curious about the products we are welcoming into our homes – do they contain VOCs?
We know where this is going – curious if Hello Sticky’s removable Peel & Stick wallpaper contains VOCs? We are proud to report that our sustainable wallpaper – which is made from 100% polyester fabric – is not only environmentally safe and recyclable at the end of its lifetime (LEED-certified) but also contains no VOC, no PVCs, no vinyl, and no formaldehyde. As well, our sustainable wallpaper is ATC Certified (which means our products are phthalates and lead-free) AND we passed the 3.1 Living Building Challenge Red List meaning we are free from asbestos, cadmium, chlorinated polyethylene, mercury, pesticides, and a long list of other nasty chemicals that you can learn more about at We didn’t stop there – we couldn’t. We are moms so the safety and wellbeing of our family is second to none. As such, in addition to sourcing 100% polyester fabric wallpaper, we also sourced inks that are Greenguard Gold certified which means that they have been deemed safe for indoor use because they meet strict chemical emissions limits and have been tested for more than 10,000 chemicals. Bottom line, we want the best for you and your families and while we are all about providing beautiful interior design options, we wanted Hello Sticky to be a provider of sustainable wallpaper.
Interested in learning more about how we stack up against the other guys? Check out our Specification Sheet for all the details on our sustainable wallpaper.
We know sustainability is a heavy (but important) subject. Interested in learning more about the air pollutants in your home and how you can avoid exposing yourself and your loved ones to these materials? Check out Annette K. Stelmack’s book, “Sustainable Residential Interiors”. It is an excellent and very informative read on a subject matter that so few of us know much about but that we all need to learn more about!
Happy – healthy – wallpapering, friends!